AP Info
Practice Tests
Official AP site : This site contains full AP exams from 2012 and 2013 including grading rubrics and sample student responses.
Non-official AP site : This site contains practice exams from 2012 and 2013
A bit of everything
MsLoveday.com : This French teacher is super organized by theme. I highly recommend using her site as a continual reference. However, sometimes you have to be careful with a few resources (it is French, after all).
AP French: Grammaire et Vocabulaire : This is a section from MsLoveday's site. Again, use this as a continual reference.
https://www.albert.io/blog/ap-french-language-tips: Excellent recommendations for preparing for the AP class and exam
https://www.fluentin3months.com/reading-writing-speaking-and-listening: Great recommendations for developing your skills in the 4 modes of communication.
Parlons français...c'est facile : Explore a bit! I like this site because you can choose activities according to your level.
Useful vocabulary : A quizlet list of useful vocab for the test
Innerfrench: Intermediate French podcast.
Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques: Statistics for research and analysis. Allows you to study charts, graphs, and tables
Paris Daily Photo: Daily photos from Paris. Useful for visual interpretation
French.about.com: A mixture of decent information about French. Also includes reading, listening exercises.
Traditionalfrenchfood.com : Regional foods and recipes, often used in the context of holidays, cultural reflections and comparisons